SOCCKET - The 'fun' Portable Generator
Looking for a cheap generator? Love your sports? Then this is for you...
Posted on 1 Mar 2013 in General / 3,654 Views
Most people would look at a soccerball (aka football) and decide whether or not to go and play with it.
Then there are those at SOCCKET who look at a soccerball and decide that there must be enough kinetic energy going on in there when it's being played with, to be stored and used somehow.
For just $89, the SOCCKET is a soccerball that does just that. 30 minutes of play will power a lamp (provided with the ball) for around 3 hours.
While it may seem like a purely novelty item, it's being introduced and tested in the "resource poor" areas of Africa who don't have the luxury of electricity.
Good idea? Will it take off? Will it really help people in resource-poor areas of the world?
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